In order to make widely available some wise advice, I'm sending to this list a message I received from Neil B.  In addition to Neil's message below, I want to mention that Nicolas Cadieux also provided similar information, saying I'd have to pay around $1,000 for equipment that gives consistently accurate location coordinates.  And thanks, also to Falk Huettmann and Bernd Vogelgesang for their replies.

Message from Neil B:

Hello Stephen.
Glad that you're having success. I would like to start off by saying that it is best to always reply to the mailing list and not directly to the person who submitted the email. Mailing lists work really well in that there is a pool of people out there who may be able to offer advice or may have an alternate method to solve the problem that may turn out to be a better way. On the flip side by maintaining the email chain through the mailing list, the follow up emails that provide information are stored in the archives which benefits anyone searching the internet to have the complete trail of information.

As far as your results they are acceptable for the device you're using. GPS in phones are never built to precision survey standards and there is no reason for them to be. If you're within 30ft of where the phone thinks you should be then you can easily navigate the rest of the way by visual sight. High end equipment to achieve sub-inch accuracy is probably in the range of thousands of dollars. One thing to keep in mind is there is a difference between the accuracy of a device and to what level of precision they display. While the app on the phone may display 8 decimal places of a lat/long coordinate and tell you if you have moved a foot, it doesn't help that the coordinate it is displaying is out +/- 30 feet. The accuracy of a device can also be affected by the environment where the device is being operated. In regards to cell phones, they use multiple sources to determine location such as GPS, cell phone towers, and wifi points to perform the triangulation. Lack of line of sight to satellites, signals from cell towers bouncing off of surrounding buildings, or someone's wireless router using inaccurate position information can all affect the accuracy of what is being displayed on your phone.

So the question is how are you determining that the coordinates are wrong? If you have information that you trust to be authoritative then adjust your points to those values and carry on. I have no advice or opinions on inexpensive devices that may help with a more accurate reading.

Please do not respond directly to me. This email account is not actively monitored and I don't always have the time to follow up with the emails. All the best with your endeavours.

~Neil B.

On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 7:52 PM Stephen Sacks < <>> wrote:

   Hi Neil,

       With your help, I have successfully brought the corners of our
   gardens back from Pennsylvania to the Promenade here in Brooklyn
   Heights, New York.  Thank you.
       At the risk of wearing out my welcome, I'm now asking for more
   advice.  My point features are approximately where they should be
   but not exactly, some points are just a few feet off and some are 10
   or even 30 feet off.  I imported the data trying both EPSG 4326 and
       I'm now convinced that the problem is due to (1) my Google Pixel
   3 cellphone, (2) the app I'm using ("Latitude Longitude" published
   by gps-coordinates), and  especially (3) my less-than-steady hands. 
   I capture coordinates by standing at spot, waiting for the blue dot
   to settle, and then touching the blue dot. Often I don't touch the
   screen at exactly the right place.  I tried another app ("GPS
   Coordinates" published by Financept) which is better in that it
   allows me to zoom in, but I'm still not always getting it right.
      I'm thinking now that I need specialized equipment. That is what
   I want to ask you.  Can you recommend some inexpensive device that
   will allow me to simply press a button to record accurately the
   coordinates of the point where I'm standing?  Keep in mind that this
   is a community project with no funding.  I live on Social Security
   and a university pension, but I'm willing to pay something in the
   range of $50 or a bit more.  Do you know of anything at such a
   modest price, or would I have to pay much more?  Or perhaps you know
   of better software for my Android Pixel 3 phone.
         Thanks in advance for any advice you might offer.

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