On Sat, 3 Apr 2004, Roy wood wrote:

> To reply Dave P's message in the same slot. Where do your statistics
> come from? I would say that it is not from the general, PC World
> visiting, public. LINUX use is increasing I would agree but it is a long
> way from overtaking M$ and has a lot of hurdles to jump before it even
> gets a significant share of the market. In my opinion it is only going
> to get there if it goes down the same route as M$ and integrates a lot
> of facilities into a standard installation and then it will face the
> same problems.

This is for our colo facility in Houston. Customers are mostly small to
mid sized companies and most of the servers handle mail or back end stuff
with web interfaces. Our experience is similar to that of many other local
hosting firms - retails is Windows territory, but in the corporate arena
MS is now clearly the second choice. To be fair to Windows, Linux has got
about half of its gains from Solaris/HPUX share, which is now under 2%.

Hope this helps explain why those figures come out the way they do.


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