In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dave P <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

On Fri, 9 Apr 2004, Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:

I wonder about SMSQ/E then

It can be "hard" or "soft" loaded - even on the same machine.

If it was more modular, like Risc OS, it could be hard loaded, then only the modules that are updated need to be soft loaded, until the next major release. But more telling, what is the possibility of even fitting XP into an EPROM? Not very likely. Having a strict budget makes an OS developer think clearly about the amount of resources taken by each element.

Yes, that gets us back on topic with your proposal around how to develop a "QL2".

With limited development resources this is important.

When I bought my RISC OS machine it had RISC2 chips in it. I was able to upgrade to RISC3 chips, which lasted for some years in software development, etc. Now it has moved on to RISC4, and I cannot upgrade the chips in the machine - I have to buy a new machine.

That decision to move on in the RISC OS world caused as much argument as we are having here about moving the QL forward.

However, RISC OS did eventually upgrade the software modules for RISC3, so that 'old' users were not entirely left out of it.

The machine of course is still useable with all the software and hardware that I already have, yet the new software is for RISC4.

With the QL we already have many divergent routes, that inevitably leave some users outside - original QDOS on original hardware and its upgrades, SMSQ, QXL cards, Q40's and Q60's, emulators like QPC2 and QEmulator.

Is there an answer that will keep enough in common to keep us all interested ?

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List
          • ... Wolfgang Lenerz
          • ... Dave P
          • ... Lafe McCorkle
          • ... John Sadler
          • ... Roy wood
          • ... Dilwyn Jones
          • ... Malcolm Cadman
          • ... Wolfgang Lenerz
          • ... Dave P
          • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
          • ... Malcolm Cadman
          • ... Wolfgang Lenerz
          • ... Malcolm Cadman
          • ... Wolfgang Lenerz
          • ... Malcolm Cadman
          • ... Malcolm Cadman
          • ... Wolfgang Uhlig
          • ... Roy wood
          • ... Wolfgang Uhlig
          • ... Malcolm Cadman
  • ... Malcolm Cadman

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