On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 19:37:34 +0100, Tarquin Mills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rich Mellor wrote:
Just a quick query - does anyone have a working copy of the 3D program
which formed part of the Eidersoft Drawing Off_ICE package??

This file is corrupt on my only copy.

What we need is QL version of WoS. BTW are ZX81 membranes available?

I have been contemplating this for years :-) With the help of several nice users I have a very complete collection of software and games (which I previously owned anyway)... however due to the copyright problems that this would present I do not see it happening anytime soon.
Of course if someone would like to hunt the original authors of most software (Including DP which couldn't/shouldn't be absent from such a collection) and get permission WOS-style, I would gladly donate the space. I do have currently approx 2 Gigabytes of compressed QL software and that doesn't include my progs.


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