>1) It works
>2) It is peer to peer and requires no central server
>3) Has a testing number
>4) On ADSL it is -easily- full duplex.  On dial up it almost is, with
>some breakup. Single duplex is perfect on dial-up.

Yep. I agree. I only have dial-up over here, about 42-48K at best. I had a
lengthy chat with Steve Reyal the other night using it, about a hour or so,
and it was perfectly usable. even set up a three way conference call
between Steve, me and my Brother-in-law Ian (who has fast broadband also -
lucky enough to live in an area of ireland that can get it!!) While it was
perfectly clear between Steve and Ian, there was break up and slight delays
bewteen me and them on occasion.

>Sure todays computer speeds & if ADSL available one would expect


>The facility to call overseas at local (over there) rates was even offered

>with 28k modems, even a special call to wake computer job.

Yes, I used to use Paltalk and visitalk on a 28K modem years ago, but it
was err... crap.

>In practical terms, I suppose one has to liaise with a given party to make

>sure you are both get set up and set rendezvous times ?

Yes, steve and I either email or SMS each other when we are about to go

>What is the "phone number" ? Email addy or something else ?

You have a user name. This is added to the contact base of another user
when you contact them, if they wish it to.

>Is there a "phone directory" ?

Yes, and you can search for users - very good it is too.


I was wondering about holding a virtual show using skype - a massive
conference call between several users - don't know how many callers it can
handle at once.... Might be worth trying??


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