as you say in this email, a lot of the membership is probably without internet access, or even access to email.I think the ONE biggest leap forward this community can take is to develop, or finance development of internet access for the native QL/Q40-60/ Aurora, you know, the very machines QUANTA purports to support, yet here we are, all of us on this list, or 99.99% using PC's to communicate on matters QL!!
kindest regards.. Brian K
----- Original Message ----- From: "gwicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ql-users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

----- Original Message ----- From: "Brian Kemmett"
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 9:29 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

The problem is Quanta IS JUST sitting on a stack of cash - I have
contributed to their coffers since 1986!
To Geoff Wicks, thanks for the concern, but you tell me, what can Quanta
do for me? - I live in a QL World black hole! The monthly mag was like a
lifeline but now I rely on QLToday because it is a vabrant, upbeat and
altogether more informative tome - and it gives breaking news on all
things QLish. QUANTA mag has become a shrivelled prune of its former self,
and as I have already said, the news is already old. So Geoff, what can
Quanta do for outlanders such as me?

At the moment sod all. And what worries me as a member of the Quanta committee is that people in a similar situation to you represent about one third of our membership.

I think if Quanta is to reform it must make more use of new technology, like actively participating in this list which is the quickest way of sounding out opinion. I know a lot of our members do not subscribe to the list, but I think it would make the committee more aware of what is happening in the QL community at large and provide topics for the magazine that would be of interest to members who do not have access to the internet.

At the moment the magazine editor is a member of the committee and perhaps we now also need a website editor on the committee. (That's a idea I have just had as a result of the discussion on this list.)

However I am sure the really important thing is to find a way of investing Quanta's money in QL development. When I raised this earlier this year I did not get many suggestions. Now the discussion is much more lively.

I don't want to play a game of ping pong with you by bouncing every question you ask back, but what things would you most like to see in your own QL use, and is there any way this could be done via Quanta?

I believe an organisation of 300 members with an income of £6000 a year and a capital of £16,000 is a highly viable organisation. Our problem is how to make it work more effectively for its members,

Best Wishes,

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