Jim Hunkins wrote:
> Yes, a real web site could do the following:
> 1) current QL activities, shows, etc.
> 2) ongoing discussions with Quanta
> 3) mirror this and/or lists
> 4) distribution of the library (can be done securely by membership ID, 
> etc)
> 5) offer programming help files (to encourage more programmers)
> 6) perhaps offer programmers help forum (kind of like the list for 
> developers used to do)
> 7) etc, etc...
> I would view this as actually more important than the newsletter 
> however, since many members probably still do not have web access, the 
> newsletter still holds an important role to play.
> jim
I've been on a members forum for the brand of TV Tuner Card I have in my PC 
where members help each other out with problems (got my more than my fair share 
of help!) and the company has a 'moderator' (I think that's what he's called 
ont he list) who often dives in and answers questions, tells people 'you can't 
discuss that here' etc himself.

Might there be a role for a 'Quanta person' on this list to both represent 
Quanta's interests on this list, help with discussion and queries pertinent to 
Quanta and inject summaries from this list into the newsletter for the benefit 
of both the membership who are not on email and also encouraging those members 
who have email access but are not on this list to join us? Would help to 
provide some copy for the newsletter as well, of course.

A lot of ideas have sprung up in discussions here recently, not all of which I 
agree with, but nonetheless I hope someone (Geoff? John G.?) is taking note 
from a Quanta viewpoint.

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List

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