----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

> > The magazine could also be provided (by email) in say pdf form, again
> > saving money.
> >
> > Tony
> Hmmm, reminds me too much of last night where I was trying to put WinXP
onto my PC after having its new hard disk fitted.
> A couple of error messages came up which left me wondering whether to
laugh or cry. I mention these because they show how lucky we are as QLers in
some ways and how even seemingly simple suggestions like Tony's can drive
fear into my heart.
> "Your CD-ROM is not responding to the standard drivers, please insert the
drivers CD to install the manufacturer-supplied drivers." (or message to
that effect).
> (Reminds of me of "Keyboard failure, press F1 to continue.")
> Err, OK, no CD drive to install the CD drivers. Fine. Its next suggestion
is get a driver fof the net. Of dear, no internet connections set up yet,
because no modem, which needs drivers...off a CD.
> Newly installed WinXP. The modem needs drivers (this was a modem which
came with the PC from its manufacturer) from a CD but it is not at all clear
how to do this, because the drivers are buried deep in an obscure folder
level. The leaflet says "refer to instructions on the CD" which turns out to
be a PDF file. Where are the two places I can get a PDF file reader? Off a
CD, or off the net. Ummmm....help.
> Wouldn't it be great if Roy sold us a Qubide with only instructions which
say "you'll need a driver for this, there's probably one out there somewhere
but I'll leave you to sort it out how to get it and everything else, by the
way you need a PDF program to read your next issue of QUanta too."
> In other words, leave PDF out of the QL equation please Tony!
> Dilwyn Jones
Still monitoring. I rather like the ideas which run thus:

1.    Develop internet software for all common ql platforms - Black box,
(S)GC, Aurora, Qx0 etc.

2.    Encourage Quanta members to use the software 1. above and to access
the user list, Web Site etc. Provide practical help with this for members
who need it - I'm sure I'm not the only one!!!

3.    Develop the Web Site so that all Quanta services - Magazine, Software
Library, Help line, Back Issues, Advertisements etc. etc. can be accessed by
all members. - with up to date links to other websites related to QL.

It is the 21st Century. Can we drag ourselves out of the (early) middle

Now, it seems to me that the first step is to appoint a Web Master - any

The Quanta committee is down to its minimum number of members. As Geoff has
said on many occasions, we have the ideas but not the manpower to execute
them all. Is ANYBODY offering their help?

John Gilpin.

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