On  Wed, 24 Nov 2004 at 09:55:36, Malcolm Lear wrote:

After that it gets difficult: Some people may
not want to move on from microdrives. They wont want PE or anything
newfangled like that, otherwise Id suggest that the following products were
also considered a fundamental part of the system for ALL platforms:

Microdrives! I'd actually forgotten that such things existed. Surely people don't still use them.
At the last Eindhoven workshop, Arnie Clarke had a catch 22.

He had not put a superHermes keyboard driver in his boot program, so had no keyboard! This can be added to romDisq to load prior to F1/F2.

His romDisq though was dead and need to be re-formatted. I had to do this on my QL - the only other native QL in the room. It needed the romDisq driver, but no-one had a floppy disk system.
I copied the driver to microdrive from my romDisq and re-formatted his romDisq from that file and added the driver as rom1_rom1.

... so there _are_ still uses for microdrives.

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