I also get these, as they usually have an empty subject line I tried to block them via OE's filters by rejecting an empty string in the subject line, wouldn't work though, same thing in Thunderbird you can mark them as junk but it wont work with the next one to arrive, it a dodgy strategy anyway as sometimes genuine sender forget to fill the subject line.

All the best - Bill
OE's filters are a bit hit and miss anyway. I've never really understood the mechanism, because I have certain phrases and keywords set up to delete spam, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Example: if the subject line is "free porn" it should delete it off the server and not even bother sending it to me. Sometimes it does, sometimes emails with exactly that line appear. Weird.

Should invest in a decent anti spam, but even the Symantec one at work doesn't do very well, so I doubt anything I can afford will be of much use. The majority of spam has the same or similar subject lines with the only real changes being the occasional deliberate misspelling or insertion of an accented character or something.

I could probably do better by taking Geoff's idea of rejecting anything that hasn't got QL or Quanta in the subject line.

Blank ones get deleted without a second glance here. AVG7 does a decent job of catching the viruses as they arrive, between AVG7 and having the preview pane disabled, M$ security patches and a bit of common sense with emails from people I don't know and not getting too hot under the collar about general spam (as opposed to drugs and porn ones which do annoy me) I seem to be doing OK at the moment.

My mobile has been getting some silly texts from some under-18s disco club or something called KAOS lately. As they seem to be bona-fide (I know someone who knows of them), I asked via their website for them to remove me from their lists as I am not under 18, am not in the area of the gigs they advertise, have never so much as shown an interest in them, the texts are pointless to me and so on. I still don't know if O2 gave them my number, or if they simply bombard all possible numbers with their junk or if I now have a mobile number which used to belong to someone who was a customer of theirs. Or maybe one of the disgruntled former colleagues whom I gave evidence against when they were sacked for theft have done this in revenge. The texts do seem to have stopped, but whether that's just because it's the quiet christmas period I don't know.

Amazes me that people are prepared to waste their time pestering people like me who have never and never will knowingly respond to junk mail/email/texts. Always amazes me how people take the attitude that they'll do something just because it can be done, and no though whatsoever to right, wrong or morality! Mind you, many people have been gullible enough to fall for Nigerian email scams, ebay "I'll send you cheque for 10 times the price, you send me 9 times the price back" and sure enough the cheque bounces and gets charged against the customer's account even though it appeared in the customer's account 4 days after being banked as though it had been cleared.

With junk mail and email I take the attitude that if they have to reach out to me in this way, their product is obviously such a lot of crap that nobody in their right mind would buy it of their own free will.

Dilwyn Jones

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