On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 08:14:30 +0100, Wolfgang Lenerz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 12 Jan 2005 at 23:46, Marcel Kilgus wrote:

P Witte wrote:
> I never knew that I wanted a current directroy,

I didn't know that you want one either, but I know that *I* would like
one ;-)

> However, this is a much more ambitious project than a mere home
> directory affair.

Actually I think it doesn't amount to much more work.

> You have to alter the device driver to cater for it too.

Hm, which? I don't propose that every device driver should know about
the current directory but that there could be a new device like
"home_" or something that did specifically include the current-path,
exe-path or whatever.

Yes, there could be, but that exceeds the simple home/current dir thing. The advantage
is that we can build this in a modular way. First I make the home dir thing & alter EX etc
to take advantage of it. Then YOU alter Qpac2 (and Cueshell?) to take advantage of it
Things like FileInfo II should probably also be altered. I don't know right now whether
the code is available?

I must admit that I do like the proposal of having a new device driver which would look up the current directory in the Thing directories list. This would make it a lot easier to use with existing programs, especially as you could use DATA_USE "home_" :-)

The keywords for EX etc would still need to be updated to set up the data block within the THING (presumably so could BT_EXEC etc). However, it does mean that OPEN, LBYTES etc would not need to be updated and therefore would cut down the overall amount of work required.


-- Rich Mellor RWAP Services 26 Oak Road, Shelfield, Walsall, West Midlands WS4 1RQ


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