Rich Mellor wrote:
> You cannot create an application sub-window menu with MAWDRAW or MAWSETUP
> which only contains one item in the menu.

I need example for that, as simple as possible.

> MITEM does not allow you to redraw the loose item - it should accept the ,
> or \ separator in line with the other commands to force it to redraw the
> item.  At the moment it ignores the separator.

Hmm, in the sources there is a note:
";14.04.97       MITEM nachzeichnen OK" (nachzeichen = redraw)

So perhaps it is fixed but didn't get properly released.

> Is this an error? I have a note that WRES does not release MCALL -
> therefore any attempt to use MCALL after the WRES command will
> result in an IN USE error

If it is a bug I need a small example. Doesn't sound very high
priority, though.


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