> SuperBASIC would be **much** better!

I once wrote a parser and syntax evaluator, in SuperBasic (and I think, 
converted it to C68) for a project many years ago - which died a horrible death.

The project was code named 'ARSE' and stood for ARchive Syntax Evaluator. It's 
main purpose was to take a file of Archive procedured, encrypted or not, and 
produce a SuperBasic file where the Archive stuff was converted to DBAS 
commands. I even got the screens converted to SuperBasic as well.

I managed to find a bug in one of the Quanta library discs where someone has 
written a huge set of procedures etc to make Archive easy, there was, if I 
remember, an end if out of sequence with an end while (See, it was that long 
ago, I can't even remember the syntax !) which Archive seemed to think was ok, 
but my parser/evaluator didn't like at all.

I *might* still have the source code, but it won't be pretty - but it wasn't 
bad for a first attempt at writing a 'compiler'. Actually, it remains my only 
attempt !

I know it had at least one bug in it, it didn't handle string expressions very 
well. If I'm not mistaken, stuff like DATE$(...) broke it.

M<y problem is I'm very much self taught as a programmer, and without any 
resources to call on, I tend to get very dis-hearted when it all goes horribly 
wrong and I've got no-one to consult who knows better. (This was before the 
internet !)


PS. I never did get the 'code generator' written though !

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