> > > The compiler directive is correct, or at least as per what is in
> > > ptrmen_cde ($$asmb=filename,4,82)
> > 
> > 
> > If the filename above should happen to be ptrmen_cde the correct parameters
> > are
> > 
> > $$asmb=filename,0,82
> > 
> > Per
> I used ?,4,82 because that's what it says embedded in ptrmen_cde - I've 
> always followed the embedded instruction with Easyptr code files linked to 
> QLib programs without problem. I might ask Marcel if he is aware of any 
> relevant issues with this as I'm having difficulties with this one.

Drat, with my usual defective timing I notice there's another email from Marcel 
on this very subject, so ignore the email I just sent.

Dilwyn Jones

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