> As far as I know BP_LET changes a parameter by copying the value on
> the maths stack to the address at byte 4 of the parameter entry on
> the Name Table. I had assumed that this 4-byte pointer would be set.
> Instead MWDEF seems to be copying both the pointer into the name
> table as well as the 8-byte entry from the name table.

Yes, it copies that to ensure that the name table entry is still the
same (i.e. it's just used for comparison and as a safety net).
Question being, is this check necessary, is there any case where just
storing the variable address can corrupt memory because of it being
moved or anything? I guess for Turbo the answer is a sound "no", but
I'm not so sure about the interpreters.

It stores the address of the name table instead if the address of the
variable itself because it lets BP_LET do the work (and that code is
shared with a lot of other possible variants, so I'd need to extract
that code path somehow and make it separate).

> I assume that at the time the code you quote is obeyed A3 still
> points to the name table entry for the channel parameter, but that
> A5 has been set to the address of the window definition (perhaps
> plus a constant).

Almost, A5 points to an internal variable space, allocated as a thing
(the "easymenu01230123" things one can see in the thing list).

Ciao, Marcel

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