> Dunno what further info there is to give; I'll put EVERY CD I currently sell
> onto just one DVD disk, of course you'll need a DVD-ROM drive as opposed to
> a CD-ROM to read it, but it will be totally usable under QPC as are all the
> CD's. Pheobus is right; is would need a decent front end, and I'm looking
> into writing one for it.... relatively simple programming but still a lot of
> work as all the programs would have to be listed and accessed. 
> All if its worthwhile of course. 
> I know the main reason I got from people as to why they didn't buy my DVD
> documentary was that, being QLers, they didn't own a DVD player or a DVD-ROM
> drive, and there wasn't any way of playing it on a QL. This has probably
> changed a lot in the 2/3 years since I did the DVD, as stand alone players
> are now readily available for pocket money prices, and they were quite
> pricey back then, not to mention DVD-ROM drives - in my new job here selling
> PC products, we don't even stock CD-ROM drives anymore as DVD-ROMs have got
> so cheap.
> So, is there a market?
Hi Darren,

I touted this idea at Portslade on SUnday, only two people said they might be 
interested, another three said they thought it might be a goodidea but they 
probably wouldn't buy it themselves.

Points you'll need to consider:

1. Multiple QXL.WINs on a single DVD. Users will need to know how to set up for 
these in QPC2. Not all emulators can access QXL.WIN in a sub-directory.

2. The different - and + formats

3. Many of the current QL CDs have different stuff in the QXL.WIN to what they 
have outside that. COnsider the Literature CD and the Documentation CD for 
example. You'll either need a good front end or a good set of documentation 
explaining where everything is. At the moment, copies of all my CDs are on my 
hard disk like this:

C:\QXL contains one folder for each CD:

C:\QXL\DOC is the documentation CD
C:\QXL\REL is the religion CD and so on.
C:\QXL\PDL is my PD library

You have to be careful users can find everything as there'll be so many small 
files on the DVD between everything.

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List
  • ... Darren Branagh
    • ... Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)
    • ... Malcolm Cadman
    • ... John Gilpin
    • ... Darren Branagh
    • ... Darren Branagh
    • ... Dilwyn Jones
    • ... Darren Branagh

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