I think I have posted this here before, but apologies if I haven't...

I am still getting emails to my old o2 email address - while this is still
active, and will continue, I only check it maybe twice a week at best, due
to the fact I have no phone line at home, and rely on a GPRS/Bluetooth link
from my laptop to my mobile phone for email and internet access at home
(very expensive - so only used in emergencies!)

Therefore, for a much speedier response, use this email address:-


(obviously replacing AT and DOT with the correct symbols, this done to try
and annoy the damn spamming robots) This email is checked constantly daily
weekdays while at work, 9am-5.30pm.

Also, I am also still getting some snail mail to my parents address in
Wicklow. Again, this will get to me, just more slowly as it needs to be
forwarded. My new postal address, for the foreseeable future, is:-

Darren Branagh,

Tel: +353-86-8100090.
Voicemail: +353-86-58100090.

Dilwyn, can you put this change in the next QL Today?

And, if anyone from QUANTA is listening, can you do the same in QUANTA?

Sorry if this seems repetitive, but I have got a few people complaining
about trying to contact me lately and hopefully this should set the matter

Many thanks,


QL-Users Mailing List
  • ... Darren Branagh
    • ... Dilwyn Jones
    • ... Darren Branagh
      • ... Malcolm Cadman
        • ... Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος (Phoebus R. Dokos)
          • ... Malcolm Cadman
        • ... Tony Firshman
    • ... Darren Branagh
      • ... Tony Firshman
    • ... Darren Branagh

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