In case anyone in interested, I've had a slightly interesting day.

I told the local garage that I'd take my car in on Friday to have the 
brakes fixed... unfortunately, the Friday concerned was suppose do be 
/last/ Friday. I wondered if I had annoyed them. I dropped the car off 
in town at 8.30 this morning.

While waiting for it to be fixed, I wandered into town and wasted some 
time in the library (well, not /wasted/... time in a library is *never* 
wasted... ask the librarian.).

When I left there, I got waylaid by a "do you have a couple of minutes 
to answer this questionnaire?" person. Half an hour later, having 
exchanged life histories (now I'm /really/ wasting time), I'd 
established that a) he was a late-diagnosed diabetic (after a nasty 
accident and heavy antibiotics), b) the questionnaire only applied to 
diabetics, and c) there was free diabetes testing going on in a bus in 
the local car park.

What the hell... more opportunities to waste time. Leaving him with the 
warning that, if I tested positive for diabetes, "I'll be back", I 
wandered off to the bus.
They were a little bemused in the bus. It was the first week they'd ever 
done it. They'd got what they thought was good responses in the other 
towns they'd gone to the rest of the week, but this was the first place 
they'd had a queue!

So. How did it go:
1) Blood pressure. Systolic a little high, but it was a hot day and I'd 
been traipsing about the place, so they thought it was not significant. 
I'd had a test earlier on this year, and that had been fine, so no problems.
2) Lung function. I wasn't expecting to do well on this, and I didn't. 
I've not smoked at all since last November, and I've just recently been 
getting a "smoker's cough". I put it down to the fact that my lungs are 
probably starting to heal. They're probably at the "dark grey" stage, 
rather than "pitch black".
3) Diabetes. Scored 5.1, which they said was "perfect". Hence, when I 
went back past the diabetes questionnaire man, I said "Nyah! Nyah!".

Back down to the car, which they hadn't quite finished. About 15 minutes 
later, they charged me £276.75 for it all. Obviously I had annoyed them.


So that was the morning. Next comes the afternoon.



(I lied. It doesn't.)

Lau callto://LauReeves (see
Get a domain from and I'll get the 

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