----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Gilpin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] get back on topic
> I can't understand your comment about Manchester always being a difficult
> location for a show. It has a brilliant transport network of motorways, 
> long
> and short distance bus routes and a high speed tram service. It is the 
> very
> hub of the rail network and the International Airport is well within
> striking distance of the chosen venue..

I am sorry but you are looking at this from the point of view of a 
Manchurian and not an outsider.

But before I continue let me make it clear that I fully support shows in 
Manchester and if you can think back 3 years when were talking of a 
prestigious international event ("QL2004") I was highly in favour of 
Manchester for the event and practically everyone else against.

I have been to the last four shows in Manchester and as far as both 
accommodation and transport are concerned all have been on a scale that 
started with "difficult" and ended with "total nightmare". The nearest 
hotels to the venue are usually fully booked and two years ago I was quoted 
£60 for 2 star accommodation. I know other people who abandoned plans to go 
to Manchester that year for just that reason. I know this is not NEMQLUG's 
fault, but it is a handicap for you in organising the show. Perhaps the best 
you can do is try to pick "away game" weekends. Remember is practically the 
only venue for the regular shows where more people need overnight 
accommodation than don't need it.

I will concede that you have good motorway connections both to Manchester in 
general and the Endeavour in particular. Probably the best with the 
exception of Byfleet. However for some travellers the presence of those 
wonderful hills in the Peak District stuck on the west of Manchester can 
lengthen some journeys.

Public transport is not as rosy as you say. Manchester may be a major rail 
head, but the long distance operator is Virgin, notorious for its high fares 
and unreliability. Don't forget the two Scottish attendees abandoned plans 
to come by train and came by air instead. People coming via Sheffield soon 
find that both Central and Northern Trains only run 3 coach trains and often 
just 2. Last time I couldn't even get on the first train and only managed 
the second by sitting in the vestibule.

Public transport within Manchester is also good, but not to the Endeavour. 
If you don't agree with that, how come you have never been able to tell me 
how to get to the scout hut by public transport?

I stress again this is not a reason to stop holding shows in Manchester. 
Indeed I would insist that you continue to do so, but I think you should 
realise it is not just a case of apathy --- although that plays a part in 
the poor attendance --- it is also a matter of people having to make an 
extra effort to get there,

Best Wishes,



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