Marcel Kilgus wrote:
> Malcolm Cadman wrote:
>> So ... what in particular is painful about IE ?
> Mainly it's inherently unsafe to use it on the internet. No IE user
> should be surprised if they catch some virus, worm or whatever. Apart
> form that it's usually slower, it doesn't have proper keyboard
> navigation, it lacks browser tabs, it doesn't recognize mouse
> gestures, the bookmarks are inferior, it doesn't allow site specific
> settings, the popup blocker is lacking, it doesn't have an ad filter,
> it doesn't include an RSS client, it doesn't maintain state (opened
> URLs) between sessions, when it crashes you cannot just continue to
> work where you left off, there is no proper cookie management, it
> renders pages wrongly and doesn't comply to most standards, it's not
> very customizable.
> Okay, those were just the things that I could immediately come up
> with. I guess with some effort the list would be longer ;-)
It is difficult to extract URLs, as "Copy shortcut" dropdown has not 
keyboard shortcut.
Firefox - right click | C
MSIE    - right click | navigate | mouse click.

My WN work involves hosts of URL copying, and this saves a *lot* of time.

Marcel - what are "mouse gestures"?
Firefox has a host of essential user written extensions.
I could not do my WN work without "Web Developer" extensions.


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