----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marcel Kilgus" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:02 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Updated web site

> Malcolm Cadman wrote:
>> So ... what in particular is painful about IE ?
> Mainly it's inherently unsafe to use it on the internet. No IE user
> should be surprised if they catch some virus, worm or whatever. Apart
> form that it's usually slower, it doesn't have proper keyboard
> navigation, it lacks browser tabs, it doesn't recognize mouse
> gestures, the bookmarks are inferior, it doesn't allow site specific
> settings, the popup blocker is lacking, it doesn't have an ad filter,
> it doesn't include an RSS client, it doesn't maintain state (opened
> URLs) between sessions, when it crashes you cannot just continue to
> work where you left off, there is no proper cookie management, it
> renders pages wrongly and doesn't comply to most standards, it's not
> very customizable.
> Okay, those were just the things that I could immediately come up
> with. I guess with some effort the list would be longer ;-)

You missed out the most important one. Opera can pretend to be IE, but IE 
cannot pretend to be Opera! ;-)

>> I use both IE ver6 and Opera ver6, and usually IE is much the quicker at
>> finding sites and downloading ... despite Opera's claim to be the
>> fastest thing in West .....
> Opera 6 is how old? 5 years? Unlike IE, Opera HAS been improved in the
> meantime. They're at version 9 now.

I should perhaps have mentioned my statistics were for 2005. There is some 
evidence that there are now about 4% Opera users. There were a surprising 
number of different versions in use:

Opera 5  0.1%
Opera 7.1  0.5%
Opera 7.4  0.2%
Opera 8.0  1.0%
 Opera 8.5 0.4%

Best Wishes


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