Morning Marcel, Wolfgang,

Thanks for your replies.

> Nope, that's where you differ with the documentation. First, the
> variable area is (A6,A4), typo I guess, and second, the opcodes $FF31
> to $FFFF are for load/save, not $32 to $FF. Yes, the latter DO work,
> but it seems that's more an undocumented side-effect.

Ok, A6,A1 was a typo, I meant A4 - apologies. On the other hand, my QDOS 
Companion (Pennell) has the load/save parameters as $32 to $ff and not $ff31 to 
$ffff as you state. 

I went on a doc hunt last night and Dickens has the negatives and my QDOS docs 
from Jochen also has negatives - so Pennell is wrong. Oh hum.

Further to this, Dickens works out the actual address as (A6 + A4 + (D0.W OR 
FF00) AND FFEE) while Jochen's docs (in my version) simply has A6 + A4 + (D0.W 
AND FFFE) which looks like the correct verion - as only bit zero is cleared and 
not bits 0 and 1 as per Dickens.

> Just look at the variable area as some kind of stack, with (A6,A4)
> pointing to the *top* of it.

No problems with this now  that I have the correct op code values.

> > Now I had assumed that I could save one FP using code $32 and
> > another using op code $34 and so on, but the source appears to
> > indicate that I will overwrite part of my $32 saved FP with part of
> > my $34 saved FP.
> Well, you can store other things in the variable area too, so it makes
> sense that you can address every individual word there.

Not with the LOAD/SAVE op code as far as I can see, they always take 6 bytes 
from the A1 stack and load back 6 bytes. There is no way that I can see (using 
the maths package) to load and save a word for example. If I wanted to yuse the 
A4 stack as a general purpose buffer for words and things, I can do it without 
the maths package - so it doesn't make sense (to me).

However, Dickens gives an example of the Hyperbolic Sine of a number (SINH) and 
in it he saves and loads values. His op codes are -6 and -12 for save_1 and 
save_2 - so obviously you *have* to use multiples of -6 for your save locations 
to avoid overwriting other stuff.

Not only that, but codes from -5 through to -1 will overwrite data at the top 
of your A4 stack.


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