On 24 Sep 2006, at 12:03, Marcel Kilgus wrote:

> George Gwilt wrote:
>> Dickens says that codes $31 to $FF are extended to a negative word
>> $FF31 to $FFFF when used to determine the storage address. Apart from
>> the fact that $31 does not seem to be allowed, Pennel and Dickens are
>> saying the same thing in different ways, Pennel is in fact correct.
> Yes, looking at the code, the upper byte is generated or derived from
> the lower byte, so it really doesn't matter whether it's $FF31 or $31,
> even though thinking of it as $FF31 makes it a) clearer and b) lends
> itself to the pointer arithmetic trick I did in my code sample.
> The problem here is that Minerva does OR the value with $FF00, which
> seems to be the desired result, while SMSQ/E sign extends the lower
> byte, which means that SMSQ/E will behave differently on the values
> $31 to $7F. Which could be considered a bug, I guess.
> Also, SMSQ/E defines the opcode $32 (push PI on stack), so the range
> effectively starts at $34 there ($33 actually, but that would be a
> "store only" location).

Dickens describes the way $32 to $FF are used to define the address  
as A6+A4+((opcode OR $FF00)AND $FFEE). This is a definition of what  
the addresses are not a definition of the way they have to be  

The last hex amount should of course be $FFFE - the $FFEE is just a  

The point about all this is that the opcodes $32 up to $FF should  
produce the addresses $FF32(A6,A4.L) to $FFFE(A6,A4.L), or -206 
(A6,A4.L) to -2(A6,A4.L) by whatever means. If SMSQ/E sets $32 to  
$0032 instead of $FF32 then it is definitely wrong!

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