George Gwilt wrote:

> On 24 Sep 2006, at 21:56, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
>>Shall we ponder how this rumour will work? Start with clock faces
>>changing from 1-12 to 1-10.
> Napoleon tried to make the time go metric. I actually saw an example  
> of a French clock of the period which had ten hours per day.
> It didn't take on Napoleon must have been before his time.

Along with the French Revolutionary [metric] Calendar:

12 Months of 30 days, each of 3 weeks of 10 days each week; an extra 5/6 
days were a holiday at the end of the year; the clock was also changed to 
have 10 hours per day, each of 100 minutes, each of 100 seconds[1].  It 
lasted from 1792AD = 1FRC until 15FRC = 1806AD.

[1] So the FRC second was 0.864 [Gregorian?] seconds long.

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