>>> Can I suggest that since this week sees the next issue of Quanta 
>>> Magazine
>>> being put together, this sort of thing would fit very nicely into 
>>> the
>>> Quanta
>>> News column of the Magazine.
>> Well, it's not really news. The stuff is almost 2 years old...
>> Marcel
> It's obviously news to some QLers!!
> John G.
John, would this do? It's written more like a news item, although it's 
not really news given that it's been around for a couple of years. 
Perhaps include it as a short general item, not as news. Obviously, 
Roy, Jochen and Marcel had better check this to make sure there's no 
errors or out of date text in it. AFAIK the patch is able to run on 
all systems (well, Roy's advert says it does, and I think Marcel's 
website says he's done versions for mode 16 and mode 33).

Dilwyn Jones

Dilwyn Jones

The original Text 87 Plus 4 is not able to run on the newer high 
colour displays on QPC2, Aurora, QXL, Q40 and Q60.

A little-known patch is available for the latest version of Text 87 
Plus 4 English (E4) and German (g4) to allow it to run on the newer 
high colour displays on systems like QPC2 and  QXL in 16-bit mode 32, 
Q40 and Q60 in 16-bit colour mode 33, and Aurora and QPC2 in 8-bit 256 
colour mode mode 16. In other words, all GD2 systems.

The patch is in the form of a driver, which is added to the program to 
enable it to handle the new high colour displays.

Q-Branch advertise it for 9 pounds on page 32 of the current issue of
QL Today, Jochen Merz also sells it for 12 Euros, although it's not 
listed in his adverts
for some reason.

Jochen described the patch in more detail in the news pages in
Volume 8 Issue 5 page 5 (Jan/Feb 2004 issue). In that item, Jochen 
described it as follows: "You do not need ot modify the result of 
using Text 87 plus 4 PATCH - just execute this instead of your 
original program."

It's also described (in less detail) on Marcel's website (in the GD2 
page, where he discusses Window Manager themes etc).

In the description in QL Today, Jochen said it only works with the
latest version of Text 87plus4 E4 (English - file size 116850 bytes)
or G4 (German - file size 117354). The patch is apparently sold with 
the permission of Text 87 author Fred Toussi.

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