I bought Marcel's High Colour Patch for Text87 from QBranch when I first
got the Q60! All it does is enable the program to run in mode 32 or 33.
It did *not* enable Text87 to run under SMSQ on my Q60, and I reported
the fact in QUANTA.

In consequence of this and other problems, I bought a PC and spent ages
converting all my data from Text87 to OpenOffice Writer. Although I
don't use Text87 any more, I don't want to sell my Q60 to someone who
does, landing them in the same situation I was in. In two months, I've
had just one enquiry for the Q60: the potential buyer uses his current
Q40 for business, with heavy use of Text87, so I had to tell him that
the Q60 would be of no use.

Is there is anyone out there who actually has Text87 running under SMSQ
on a Q60 (Q40+SMSQ or Q60+QDOS are OK), as opposed to merely thinking
that it ought to?
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