In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, P Witte 

>Malcolm Cadman writes:
>>>Its been so quiet these past days I thought it necessary to take some
>>>2006/11/13 Update and additions
>>>    Improved navigation and HTML 4.0 compliance
>>>    LX2 V0.04. Small update. Unzip to, and test from, ram1_
>>>    ssave - A collection of useless screen savers. Updated
>>>    CMP - Simple assembler and S*Basic tools to compare strings. New
>> I had a little lookee and it appears to be OK.
>> Although, personally I would abandon the limited QL 4 colours scheme and
>> look of the front page. Yet it is all a matter of taste ... :-)
>Not at all: It is designed to scare off all but the most dyed-in-the-wool QL
>freaks ;o)
>> I do like the adaptation that you have done of the "progress of man"
>> image cycle ... amusing .....  :-)
>Ah! You found it at last! Well, that places you firmly in the
>above-mentioned category ;o)

Umm ... it has woken you up again ... :-)

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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