Dilwyn Jones writes,

>>I fell foul of it today again, after a good half hour's work ;o(( In
> Assuming you are referring to Xchange Quill, this also occurs in

Silly me! Of course I meant Quill.

> standard Quill and it has happened to me so many times I now routinely
> save before attempting to scroll upward through text.
> It might be my imagination, but it seems to happen less frequently in
> Xchange than in standard Quill. And seems to happen less frequently on
> a fast system, though that may be a red herring.

I seem to recall that it only started in the last QL version of Quill 

> Years ago, someone tried to explain to me it is because the paragraph
> table becomes unsynchronised, possibly due to a timing error between
> the 'jobs' Quill uses as data areas, or immediately after editing the
> paragraph table is not fully updated. I can't remember, unfortunately,
> who told me about it, but there was no cure except to avoid scrolling
> up line by line unless you saved first. My experience being that it
> never happens immediately after you have saved (sod's law).
> Where I need to backtrack, I usually Goto a previous page and scroll
> down, or use search to find a reference rather than backtrack to it,
> the only workarounds I've known.

Im also very careful and employ similar paranoid workarounds (I even catch 
myself doing so in &[EMAIL PROTECTED] Word), but sooner or later it always gets 
me - 
inevitably when its least convenient! If there were just a known address to 
jump to when this happens (via jmon) then one could at least rescue one's 

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