David McCann writes:

> Per Witte wrote:If there were just a known address to jump to when this
> happens then one could at least rescue ones work!
> You *can* rescue your text, if you have MORE and MEM from the DIY
> toolkit. The steps are:
> 1. Use SEARCH_MEMORY to find a string from your document. Start the
> search at 50000 to avoid finding the string you've just entered.
> 2. Use MORE MEM to inspect the memory. Go to the address you found and
> scroll back and forth to get the start and end addresses of the stored
> text.
> 3. Use SBYTES to save it.
> It's tricks like that which make me wish that Linux had some of the
> features of QDOS. But then if OpenOffice crashes, it normally saves the
> file!

Ah, yes. Thank you for that! I shall have a go next time I get into trouble.

I know I once, in desperation, traced a hung Quill with Jmon and found a 
spot that looked auspicious. I took a different branch than the one it 
wanted to go and presto! Quill just worked again, allowing me to save my 
work. Im not sure where I was or what I did, except that it took some time 
to figure out, and Ive not found it again since!

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