Trying to prevent my brain shrinking even smaller than its present 
size while sat here 'home alone' (i.e. feeling cerebrally challenged 
at the moment, make of that what you will), here's a little something 
to challenge the ql-users grey matter.

Many of you will be familiar with the Quicksort recursive sorting 
routine. I wanted to sort large amounts of data at one stage and 
compiled a program containing a recursive routine, which quickly ran 
out of stack space for all the recursion it needed.

So here's my attempt at a non-recursive version which probably defeats 
the object (apart from not making QLiberator fall over with the stack 
space demands).

I got this working some time ago, apart from not being able to make it 
handle subscript 0 of the array being sorted - you'll see what I mean 
when you run it. (if you've never transferred a listing from email to 
Superbasic before, just highlight, copy and save the listing as an 
ascii or text file and transfer it to the QL ready to load in the 
usual way, or ask me to email it to you as an attachment if easier).

The obvious starting point is to set stack_left(1) = 0 in line 190, 
but that leads to all sorts of errors under some circumstances such as 
data to be sorted already being in sorted order.

Basically, like all Quicksorts the array to be sorted is split into 
"left" and "right" sections by choosing a median value and adjusting 
section pointers. An artificial stack is set up to remember pairs of 
pointers as required.

Improved versions welcome! I know ql-users are always up to a 
challenge...I just hope poor Marcel doesn't end up spending days on it 
just because it's a "challenge" as usual ;-)

100 REMark Non-recursive quicksort routine
110 REMark adapted from standard Quicksort by Dilwyn Jones
120 REMark sorts elements 1 to "highest_entry"
130 REMark (i.e. doesn't *yet* manage to sort subscript 0 too)
140 :
150 highest_entry = 20 : DIM array(highest_entry)
160 FOR a = 0 TO highest_entry : array(a) = 20-a
170 :
180 stack_length = 12 : DIM 
190 stack = 1 : stack_left(1) = 1 : stack_right(1) = highest_entry
200 REPeat outer
210   REMark take top entry from stack
220   left = stack_left(stack) : right = stack_right(stack) : stack = 
stack - 1
230   REMark split array
240   REPeat middle
250     pointer1 = left : pointer2 = right : med_value = 
260     REPeat inner
270       REPeat loop1 : IF array(pointer1) < med_value THEN pointer1 
= pointer1 + 1 : ELSE EXIT loop1
280       REPeat loop2 : IF med_value < array(pointer2) THEN pointer2 
= pointer2 - 1 : ELSE EXIT loop2
290       IF pointer1 <= pointer2 THEN
300         w = array(pointer1) : array(pointer1) = array(pointer2) : 
array(pointer2) = w
310         pointer1 = pointer1 + 1 : pointer2 = pointer2 - 1
320       END IF
330       IF pointer1 > pointer2 THEN EXIT inner
340     END REPeat inner
350     IF pointer1 < right THEN
360       REMark stack request to sort right partition
370       stack = stack+1 : stack_left(stack) = pointer1 : 
stack_right(stack) = right
380     END IF
390     right = pointer2
400     IF left >= right THEN EXIT middle
410   END REPeat middle
420   IF stack = 0 THEN EXIT outer
430 END REPeat outer
440 :
450 CLS : PRINT !array!
460 :
470 STOP

Dilwyn Jones

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