P Witte wrote:
> Quicksort is so much faster than any stable sort I know 
> of, even when "cheating", that its worth it  ;o)
Yeah, yeah. I, of course, agree totally. I cheat /all/ the time.

I did get a bit carried away... and perused the current net thinking on 
sort algorithms, and it would seem that the ancient "mergesort" has a 
lot going for it.

You add O(n) extra memory to extend the key and make "quicksort" 
effectively stable. This adds cost to key comparisons.

With "mergesort", a similar O(n) extra memory /may/ be needed. However, 
and this is a /big/ however, the worst case (admittedly low probability) 
time for "quicksort" is O(n*n), whereas "mergesort" stays at 
O(n*ln(n))... indeed, its worst case is only twice as slow as its best case.

I said above that extra memory /may/ be needed, because it depends on 
how the data is held. There is /no/ extra memory (barring O(ln(n))) if 
the data starts off as a linked list. The algorithm is also highly 
effective if the data is stored on disc, etc, rather than in memory.

Algorithm for "mergesort":

If more than one element, split (arbitrarily) into two equal (or differ 
by one) chunks, recursively mergesort each, merge the two sorted chunks.

split 376 7376
split 3 76 7376
split 3 7 6 7376
merge 3 67 7376
merge 367 7376
split 367 73 76
split 367 7 3 76
merge 367 37 76
split 367 37 7 6
merge 367 37 67
merge 367 3677
merge 3366777

And now... my fertile mind... what if the "split into two chunks" 
actually was the odd and even indices within the array? Curiously, this 
could be done as a SuperBasic slice. The merge operation becomes 
/horrible/, and I haven't thought it through at all (except that the 
worst case looks to be O(n*n)!), but the whole thing becomes (close to) 

PS. I always feel "shellsort" is magic.
PPS. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patience_sorting> looks rather 
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