> Very quick response... you have the normal HUGE bug. When you split 
> the
> array into a left and right chunk, you MUST stack the LARGER chunk, 
> and
> sort the smaller one. That's why the stack space disappears.
> And... be very careful about what happens when you can have 
> duplicate
> values... what happens as the indices cross over in the middle? I 
> think
> your code tends to fail safe... with a slight cost in overall speed.
> Also... quicksort is NOT the fastest sort. Actually, bubblesort 
> beats it
> for trivial cases. The choice of "median" value is not all that
> significant, but just choosing the one in the centre isn't that 
> smart.
> Personally, I tend to eliminate the cases with less than three items 
> as
> special cases. I then "bubblesort" the one in the middle with the 
> ones
> at the two extrema. If there are now only three elements, we're 
> done.
> Otherwise, /now/ we can use the one in the middle as a better stab 
> at
> the median, and actually start the swapping one in from each end.
OK, I haven't taken much of a look at this. Here are a couple of 
recursive versions of the Quicksort.

The first one is slower - I think this is based on a listing I found 
in a magazine called Popular Computing Weekly years ago:

2380 DEFine PROCedure QUICKSORT1 (array$,bottom,top)
2390   LOCal sort_loop,low,high,ptr
2400   low  = bottom : high = top : ptr = bottom
2410   REPeat sort_loop
2420     IF low >= high THEN EXIT sort_loop
2430     IF array$(low) > array$(high) THEN
2440       temp$        = array$(low)
2450       array$(low)  = array$(high)
2460       array$(high) = temp$
2470       IF ptr = low THEN
2480         low  = low+1  : ptr = high
2490       ELSE
2500         high = high-1 : ptr = low
2510       END IF
2520     ELSE
2530       IF ptr = low THEN high = high-1 : ELSE low = low+1
2540     END IF
2550   END REPeat sort_loop
2560   IF ABS(top - bottom) < 2 THEN RETurn
2570   QUICKSORT1 array$,bottom,ptr - 1
2580   QUICKSORT1 array$,ptr + 1,top

The second version is based on an early QL User, listing by Marcus 
Jeffrey. It differs in that it needs the last item in the array to be 
a "highest possible value". So if you have an array set up with DIM 
array(10) you can use elements 0 to 9 yourself and deliberately set 
element 10 to the maximum possible value so that it stays at the end 
of the array:

2610 REMark Quicksort, faster variety, by Marcus Jeffery
2620 :
2630 REMark prepare an array to sort, remembering that this routine 
2640 REMark a predefined 'highest value entry' at the end of the array
2650 REMark QUICKSORT2 also needs the procedure QS2_PARTITION below
2660 DEFine PROCedure QUICKSORT2 (array,lower,upper)
2670   LOCal part_elem
2680   IF lower < upper THEN
2690     part_elem = upper + 1
2700     QS2_PARTITION lower,part_elem
2710     QUICKSORT2 array,lower,part_elem-1
2720     QUICKSORT2 array,part_elem+1,upper
2730   END IF
2750 :
2760 DEFine PROCedure QS2_PARTITION (i,j)
2770   LOCal k,temp$,swap$,loop,inc_k,dec_j,swap
2780   temp$ = array(i) : k = i
2790   REPeat loop
2800     REPeat inc_k
2810       k = k + 1
2820       REMark this is where the 'guaranteed highest value' comes 
2830       IF array(k) >= temp$ THEN EXIT inc_k
2840     END REPeat inc_k
2850     REPeat dec_j
2860       j = j - 1
2870       REMark conversely we don't need a 'guaranteed less than' 
2880       REMark at the start of the array as the sorting process 
2890       REMark this for us anyway
2900       IF array(j) <= temp$ THEN EXIT dec_j
2910     END REPeat dec_j
2920     IF k < j THEN
2930       REMark swap the two entries around
2940       swap$ = array(k) : array(k) = array(j) : array(j) = swap$
2950     ELSE
2960       EXIT loop
2970     END IF
2980   END REPeat loop
2990   array(i) = array(j) : array(j) = temp$

The second one is much faster than the first. Timing checks I did on 
it some time ago show that Quicksort is good on mixed random data, 
which is usually where other sort routines slow down. Where the data 
is in pretty good sorted order already, other sort routines can be 
faster. Quicksort is a reasonable choice as a general purpose sort 
routine where the data distributions and array sizes aren't really 
known in advance.

Mark Knight sent QL Today a listing some years ago of a sort called 
pigeon sort, which could be faster than Quicksort but it was much 
longer than these listings and I couldn't understand it at the time.

Improvement suggestions for the above listings welcome.

Dilwyn Jones

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