Stephen Usher wrote:
Hi Steve,

 >>I find with 2M on my GC, data and programs just rattle around inside!  Even
 >>with the base 128K machine (around 77K(?) free for use) I used to be able to
 >>do/run more than I could with a 540K PC.  Or are people becoming so
 >>"bloatware expecting" that 4M sounds titchy?
 > Yes, but the QL doesn't have all those silly GUI thingies written in bloating
 > C++ (or now JAVA and .NET). I must admit that I sometimes found 128K
 > restrictive but never filled the Trump Card memory. (Oh and I did have a
 > sort-of GUI thingy for the QL, the ICE ROM & mouse.)

Neither did the 540K PC of the time (Windwos 3.x were just about around when
I got the GC, but never had them at the time to compare with using the 128K QL).

 > Still, storage has never been a problem for you, other than the UCL Euclid
 > file quota, which you got around using a neat trick using the e-mail inbox if
 > I remember correctly.

If space really ran out there was alway the "emergency" PTP
(Paper-Tape-Punch) archive...I still have a few sitting around upstairs, but
with no means of reading contents :(

 >                       Oh and then there was thae hack for getting long
 > printouts on the self-sevice printer.. and the Babbage programs you wrote
 > which made UCLCC people nervous about 'cos they did things no-one thought a
 > normal user could do.

Funny you should mention them...I was having a chuckle about one in
particular (the pre-main code filing password adder/remover) and exactly
what it did and how it did it.

 > By the way, I seem to remember a couple of years ago that you asked if you
 > could pass on the source etc. of the terminal emulator I wrote to 
someone, did
 > you do so? Seeing as I've not got a modern machine readable copy would it be
 > possible for you to fish it out and pass it onto whoever archives QL software
 > on this list? Someone might as well get some use out of it.

I have it somewhere...need to search...can't remember to whom I wanted to
send it now.

To whom should I sent it (ie who would possibly be interested in
archiving/having it [for distribution])?  Dilwyn?

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