extdgl42 wrote:
> As an example of variety, I'll mention my confuser (computer :-) room: Three 
> Macs (two of them laptops), two PCs (One 733, the other 133[!], a custom 
> build long ago), and several QLs (many still in styrofoam boxes; one somewhat 
> working). Yes, internet connectivity for four of the above. All as old as 
> about 1999 or farther back, with OS's as old as 98SE or QDOS, or as recent as 
> SuSE 10.x and Mac OS 10.3 . The Macs e.g. have been an education.
I think exposing the younger generation to earlier machines is a 
wonderful way of reigniting waning enthusiasm.  My nephews thoroughly 
enjoy playing on the earlier micros, and they love the QL in particular 
. . . it just looks so cool (in their words).

> "My life? What life? I have no life. O insuportable! O heavy 
> hour!"--Apologies to Messrs. Bill the Bard and Othello.
> Actually, I  _do_ have a life outside computers.
> Doug L. 37830
> -----Original Message-----
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