Speaking of retro computers, 

I have gotten rid of a few items recently but i still have a nice 
working ZX81 with a Ram pack which doesn't wobble ( clever 
hook that fixes it firmly in place ), a beautiful  Original Atari 800 
which I'm on the verse of selling even though I don't want to, plus 
a couple ATARI Stfm's and a rather stunning Amiga 1200.

I only use my QL & Aurora now though as I haven't the room for 
the others.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12 February 2007 07:47 >>>

extdgl42 wrote:
> As an example of variety, I'll mention my confuser (computer :-)
room: Three Macs (two of them laptops), two PCs (One 733, the other
133[!], a custom build long ago), and several QLs (many still in
styrofoam boxes; one somewhat working). Yes, internet connectivity for
four of the above. All as old as about 1999 or farther back, with OS's
as old as 98SE or QDOS, or as recent as SuSE 10.x and Mac OS 10.3 . The
Macs e.g. have been an education.
I think exposing the younger generation to earlier machines is a 
wonderful way of reigniting waning enthusiasm.  My nephews thoroughly 
enjoy playing on the earlier micros, and they love the QL in particular

. . . it just looks so cool (in their words).

> "My life? What life? I have no life. O insuportable! O heavy
hour!"--Apologies to Messrs. Bill the Bard and Othello.
> Actually, I  _do_ have a life outside computers.
> Doug L. 37830
> -----Original Message-----
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