Tony wrote:
> The hardware issues are not going to be trivial (for all aspects of  the
> design) but the *real* difficulty is going to be finding people to  write
> both the firmware (logic chips) and drivers. That will be  the
> make/break.  

Yes that is exactly the problem, each hardware upgrade - Goldcard, QXL  card 
through to Q60 has been an attempt at a 'complete' and final  computer on a 
board. The only one that has not been was the Aurora  "motherboard". Even then 
as far as I understand it was part of a vision of a  complete solution that 
seems to have been envisaged as a series of boards.  Each complete solution has 
depended on the engagement of a very few  key individuals without whom all 
progress stops.
Without hardware development QL computing will not survive much longer  
except for retro enthusiasts.
Clearly the cost of upgrading is important to many current users as  the Qx0 
series has not been taken up generally with the majority of hardware  users 
running system designed in the 1980s or early 1990s. As a result  development 
the Qx0 series seems to have stopped as well, presumably the  market is too 
small to make it worthwhile developing add ons for the Qx0 and  then there is 
the SMSQ/E licence issue there as well.
If someone is thinking about developing the hardware further, recognising  
price constraints and the diverse needs of the community would it be possible 
 consider a modular process of upgrades. If it were possible for example:
to add a memory board using one of the commercially available memory simms  ( 
boards could be sold with or without simms) to an Aurora system as an  
additional board on the back plane.
to add a processor board to the backplane on an aurora setup with say a  gold 
card whereby the new processor takes over from the 68000 - perhaps  that chip 
is removed from the gold card.
to add the memory and processor boards as 2 in line modular upgrades to a  
black box QL 
to add an ISA graphics board to the Qx0 to improve graphics caompatibility  
with flat screens.
to add a USB board to the Aurora/Qubide/SGoldCard system etc
Taking a modular approach to make each board itself simpler might make  it 
easier to do the work in small chunks, could engage more of the  existing 
community on different projects, make the work for a  specific smaller upgrade 
easier, perphaps allow the use of existing  commercially available boards, and 
upgrading more affordable for those who  cannot fork out £300-400 all at once.
I do realise that this may all be pie in the sky as I know nothing about  
hardware development.
As a final thought Quanta could stimulate this by making a prize (£XXXXs  
X-prize) for the first team to say design and make a  prototype processor 
add on board or USB driver  or whatever,
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