Hi Per
I think you miss the point sometimes.
You said
 "The QL was never only about hardware for quite a number of  enthusiasts, 
and therefore it is still going strong in its emulated form. If  you want 
the best QL platform money can buy, get QPC2 and stick it in your  PC."
For quite a number of enthusiasts t it was not and still is not about  
emulators, especially those who love and are sticking to original hardware and  
those who have no easy upgrade route now if they do not have a PC at  home.
As for QPC2 dont forget that there are 2 critical spofs (single points  of 
failure) for QPC2 - 
1. the PC and its OS 
2. like previous QL hardware efforts that started this  discussion the QPC2 
software is a one man show. If Marcel loses  interest QPC2 is dead. 
Therefore regardless of personal preferences & Marcels current health  in the 
long term diversity is good, all eggs in one basket is bad. I also  have QPC2 
upto date etc, etc 

"Wot SMSQ/E license issue?" Not my personal issue here but the very real  
fight that despoiled this list some time ago. It needs to be recognised  that 
consequences of that argument was a critical point in the  future development 
of the QL community. As for SMS/E I have compiled my own  SMSQ/E for my Q60 
since 3.03 and tried to show how easy it is to do in QLToday,  but the argument 
about "licence" itself seems to have killed off hardware  development.
"However, the second major module of the Aurora project, the mythical  
Goldfire, is still outstanding. That is the project that is furthest advanced.  
it cannot be made to succeed what chance does any other project  have?"

I agree with you there is absolutely none if everyone has  your attitude. 
The question to me is why did it stall, was the project too ambitious in  its 
scope - using a Coldfire processor or did personal circumstances for the  
prime mover result in its end? I dont know. 
What I am suggesting is that those with hardware skills  left the community 
should be encouraged (financially) to look at  simpler projects that need less 
development time and are affordable for a larger  number of the group or if 
that is not possible that as a group we should  consider projects with 
outsourcing of development in an affordable way perhaps  to eastern europe as 
by Rich Mellor.
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