In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dilwyn Jones 

>Alain Hauoi wrote:

>> My last thought will be that I am not saying that we "must" developp
>> a new
>> performant hardware and there is or not a suffisient market..., but
>> if we
>> do, we cannot dont consider implementing an USB port. I am affraid
>> we
>> haven't the choice : there is no more serial mouse, IDE disks are on
>> falling side, centronics/serials printer are now souvenirs ....

>Well said, Alain.
>The problems faced would be big, but I think your suggestions ought to
>be considered at least.
>I would not necessarily buy a Hyper-Super-Duper-Ultra Gold Card
>(Platinum Card?) if it was going to cost me close to the price of a
>Q60, in which case I'd buy a Q60. If a USB interface were to become
>available for QL or Aurora and there were scanners, cameras, optical
>mice etc with drivers for my QL or Aurora with such an interface, then
>that might persuade me.

New hardware always stimulates new software and applications.

Probably 3 item ranges will be suited :

* £50 to £100 a card of some type, probably modular too, that most 
people would have an interest in to add to their existing system

* £100 to £200+ a card of some type, probably again modular too, that 
would significantly change the system - discarding the existing GC's and 

*£300 to £400 an entirely, or almost entirely, new system of a small 
size, or even portable, using standard available parts as far as 

Malcolm Cadman
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