In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, gwicks 
>Those of us who went to the Sinclair show in Norwich a couple of years ago
>had a very strong impression that the Spectrum has not moved on to the same
>extent as the QL. We saw stall after stall selling Spectrum hardware and
>software that we remembered using in our Spectrum days. The only QL stall
>selling similar vintage QL software was Simon Goodwins.
I was about to write the same thing. The Spectrum has not 'moved on' or 
got 'up to date'. The scene is only stronger than the QL because people 
like playing the retro games (maybe because, given the age of the users, 
the modern ones are too hard for them to take in). It was obvious at 
that show that the QL was light years ahead of the Spectrum and equally 
obvious that we had no software to offer. There is not one piece of 
software for the QL that would tempt someone to get into the QL scene.
>> The QL
>no longer has enough users to make commercial products viable,
>Just as Quanta has to change if it wants to survive, so too have the
There is little a trader can do these days. Since I do not write 
software myself, and I am offered little new software, I am stuck. Take 
away the cash flow and I will have to fold at some point. I keep going 
because I still enjoy it and I want to support the people who have been 
my customers for 10 years or so.
>> Then there's the lack of USB and printer support.
>But just a provocative thought. Have you ever tried to connect a USB only
>laptop to a parallel printer? PC World don't know the answer to that one,
>but I do mainly because of my QL experience of looking for solutions to
That is easy - there is a specific bale to do it or a USB port 
replicator. I have both even though my laptop has a parallel port.

Roy Wood
Q Branch. 20 Locks Hill, Portslade, Sussex.BN41 2LB
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 386030    fax: +44 (0) 1273 430501  skype : royqbranch
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