----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roy wood" <>
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 11:56 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

>>But just a provocative thought. Have you ever tried to connect a USB only
>>laptop to a parallel printer? PC World don't know the answer to that one,
>>but I do mainly because of my QL experience of looking for solutions to
> That is easy - there is a specific bale to do it or a USB port
> replicator. I have both even though my laptop has a parallel port.

I mentioned this to raise the point that it is not only in the QL world that 
you sometimes have unusable hardware. The largest PC company in the country 
is not interested in solving problems like that as they would rather sell 
you a new printer. More usable products being dumped in landfill. At least 
we QL-ers have been good recyclers.

I just reasoned that if SH could produce a serial to parallel interface with 
all the electronics in the cable, then some bright spark could do something 
similar for a potentially bigger market.

On the specific point of USB to parallel interfaces, Maplin's are currently 
selling these as a special offer. They are obviously old stock as the 
installation information is for Windows98, but they work perfectly with XP 
once you have figured out how to install,

Best Wishes,


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