On Wednesday 14 February 2007 02:51, Daniele Terdina wrote:
> It would be great to be able to fit a PC in a QL case, with a 100%
> compatible QL emulator running on it and able to access the microdrives (or
> better 1 mdv and a memory card reader in the right slot) and QL keyboard,
> plus plenty of USB ports on the back for floppy disks, printers and other
> devices. Lots of memory and a 1024x768 24 bit mode supported by the OS
> wouldn't hurt either.
> Not that it makes any sense (except for the QL case and mdv, you can
> already get close to this with a Q60 or PC+emulator), but it would be
> pretty cool!
> :)
> Daniele

This is the only pratical solution.
Use the emulators QPC2 or UQLX
Place the hardware into a suitable box.
Boot program allows the option of starting in
        Emulator or
        OS and desktop
Load up OS and run.

Admittably UQLX needs updating for 68020+ instructions,
but Marcel has debugged the program for a good start.

The iso for the Linux version could be available on the net 
and people could just download it, burn to a CD and instal it 
on a partition or run it in a virtual machine.
Even better it could be a Live CD so ther is no need to install it.
Then new people could try it without any hastle.
Preferably it should run on a relatively low sppec machine.

The iso should also include a comprehensive range of programs
and documentation installed on win disk or directories for the 
Linux version so that there is a ready to run environment for 
newcomer to experiment with no hastle.

Printing is a problem but if it could be integrated with the OS printing 
system then this may be the solution.

I think Quanta should promote this and use its money to get it done in a last 
ditch effort to stop the QL operating just dying a natural death.
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