>So MY ideal machine would be one that is capable of using the full  
>potential of SMSQ/PEv2 (only QPC2 and Qx0 can do that now, both Aurora/SGC  
>and QXL suffer from lack of memory) and can be fitted in a black box (or  
>my MaxiQL or MinisQL).
>QL Today v10i2 had an article of the June 2005 Eindhoven show where Jens  
>Wildgruber showed his QL in a rack, with a Flashcard in stead of a hard  
>disk. That could make a compact QL, maybe even be put in the black box!

Well, if he put in a couple of Compact Flash slots into the machine you could
use Hitachi/IBM Microdrives instead of Sinclair Microdrives. ;-)

Wouldn't that be cool? A new guts inside a QL case with closer to up-to-date
hardware and CF slots where the Microdrives were. ;-)

Nostalgia isn't as good as it used to be.

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