----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Gilpin" <>
To: "ql-users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2007 9:32 PM
Subject: [ql-users] Comment from the "Traditional" QUANTA Committee

>Over the past few months officers of the QUANTA Committee have monitored 
>the ql-users list (as they do) and, from time to time have discussed its 
>content. They have recently been referred to by a "known radical terrorist" 
>as "traditionalists"  ("Which was what the membership voted for") but that 
>doesn't mean we are sitting on our backsides doing nothing.

Just because I described the committee as "traditional", it does not mean 
that I say you are not working hard. In your particular case your work has 
lead to considerable improvements in Quanta.

Since I am now being described as a terrorist, perhaps I should tell you 
that one of my slogans is:

"If I assassinate John Gilpin tonight, Quanta will cease to exist tomorrow."

>Someone wanted to know why a number of past members had resigned. I, as 
>Membership Secretary know why a number of them resigned because they 
>politely wrote and informed me of their decision and their reason(s).

Thanks for the effort. I shall be interested to hear the full results.

You have to accept that 86 people in two years is not just natural wastage. 
It is not happening elsewhere, and the alarm bells sounded at QL Today when 
people thought that if things are going badly for Quanta, then they must 
also be going badly for QL Today. In fact our loss of circulation last year 
was well under double figures.

>Another thread I've noticed recently has been the suggested need for QUANTA 
>to finance development of this or that bit of Hardware or software or 
>driver or....
>What my Audited Accounts do tell me is that QUANTA still has an Accumulated 
>Fund of over £12,000 (all will be disclosed in the next issue of QUANTA 
>Magazine) and we have a committee who are prepared to listen to specific 
>requests for loans or grants for QL Development.

This terrorist is on record as saying this committee has show a greater 
willingness to make use of Quanta's capital

>Bye the Bye, don't expect a chat line comment like "If QUANTA were to 
>sponsor someone to the tune of $100 US + postage" to produce immediate 
>financial support. Come on you guys, tickle the keyboard ivories and ask us 
>properly for what you think you need!! The worst you can expect is for this 
>"traditionalist committee" to say " Not this time."

I can't agree with you on this one. The specific proposal was for a 
miniscule amount of money for a project that, if successful, could vastly 
improve QL possibilities. Quanta did not have to wait for a request, it 
could have responded straight away. You have taken money from traders who 
are making a substantial loss for years, while you are sitting on £12,000 in 
the bank. Surely a little something in return is not too much to ask.

Returning to the traditionalist theme. Quanta's great weakness is that it 
remains much the same in organisation, structure, finance and thinking as it 
did when it had 2,000 members. It is time to adapt to being a much smaller 

Indeed within 12 to 18 months Quanta could become totally paralysed by its 
own constitution,

Best wishes,


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