----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Gilpin" <>
To: "ql-users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2007 9:32 PM
Subject: [ql-users] Comment from the "Traditional" QUANTA Committee

>What my Audited Accounts do tell me is that QUANTA still has an Accumulated 
>Fund of over £12,000 (all will be disclosed in the next issue of QUANTA 
>Magazine) and we have a committee who are prepared to listen to specific 
>requests for loans or grants for QL Development.

>This has been the situation since I joined the Committee in 2000 (just at 
>the end of a very successful arrangement with D & D and their work in 
>supplying Q40/60s). We have extended our offer on a number of occasions but 
>have had no takers to date. Let me repeat, on behalf of the QUANTA 
>Committee, "If you have a project which you think would be valuable to the 
>QL fraternity but which needs some development support, PLEASE write to us 
>with as much detail as you can give, including your business plan, to 
>enable us to consider your request.

>Bye the Bye, don't expect a chat line comment like "If QUANTA were to 
>sponsor someone to the tune of $100 US + postage" to produce immediate 
>financial support. Come on you guys, tickle the keyboard ivories and ask us 
>properly for what you think you need!! The worst you can expect is for this 
>"traditionalist committee" to say " Not this time."

I have returned to this mailing, because I realised overnight that you have 
unwittingly defined the difference between a "radical" and a 

The last time a Goldfire type expansion card was seriously discussed by the 
QL community was in 2004. This radical was not sitting on his backside 
waiting for a piece of paper. He was out there in the field talking to the 
potential developer (and other developers) at QL2004. He was also talking to 
the trader who would have marketed the card about preparing a business plan. 
(Now what were the Quanta team at QL2004 doing? - oh sorry, I forgot - 
Quanta boycotted the first international QL show for 4 years.)

We know the Dear Leader is never happier that when he has a few pieces of 
paper to play with, but surely you can see the difference between a Goldfire 
project with an investment of £5,000 and a USB project with an investment of 
about £100.

That is a fifth of the cost of the AA signposting at QLis21, less than the 
cost of the "beads for the natives" Phone Trees and less that the cost of 
the Gay T-shirts.

Do we really have to wait for the great Quanta beast to arise from its 
hibernation and slowly creak into bureaucratic action? This is something 
that could have been settled over a weekend with a few telephone calls or 
emails. The only paperwork that was necessary was a receipt for the cost of 
the boards and a record in the Quanta minute book,

Best wishes,


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