>>Yes, but some people might prefer to stay at hotels where other
>>are also staying (or may particularly wish to avoid them ;)
> Hard to tell where they are all staying I think. Since I live here I
> don't stay in the hotels so I cannot do much by way of
> recommendation. I
> told Dilwyn about one I was advised was nice and he said it was
> awful
> -- 
> Roy Wood
One was above a pub somewhere, avoid like the plague if you remember
which it was. Noisy, dirty, cramped, untidy. I think it was called The 
Ship Hotel or something similar.

The other place I stayed in was the hotel on Hove seafront where Roy
used to host his shows (Excelsior?). That was better, but the room we
stayed in were, frankly, a bit dirty.

Last time, Roy gave me details of a couple of guest houses near a BP
garage on the front... (disappears to filing cabinet to check) ...
Palm Grove, 371 Kingsway, Hove 01273-417821. I can't remember if this
is the one we were double booked into or the one we ended up in around
the corner, either way, both places were nice and the owners
seemed to be friends and referred customers to each other if they were
full. It's just a short distance from Portslade town hall - look for
the Ocean Sports shop opposite the B&B on the front. It's only a very 
short distance from the town hall.

I didn't write down the cost, I think it was about £30.

We got a list of B&B's at the time from

Dilwyn Jones

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