Chapter 1:

I have (on loan until its owner decides how best to dispose of it) an Amiga
1200.  There are no manuals and the only software a collection of disks -
mostly games - plus a couple of disks which appear to contain a minimal
X-Window style operating system which enables you to explore the files and
folders on the disk (but precious little else).  There appears to be no
built-in software in ROM other than a BIOS and boot loader because the
system requires a boot disk to be inserted before anything will happen.

Chapter 2:

Attached to Issue 5 of Volume 7 of QL Today was a 'QL Today Mega-CD' which
contains "qdos4amiga".
I've read the ReadMe files but I'm afraid the prerequisite knowledge of
Amiga exceeds mine (zero).  CLI, I assume, means Command Line Interface, but
how do I launch one?  XFS, I assume, is the Amiga's native filesystem but
how do I create one - are those two disks I referred to in Chapter 1 XFS

The easy part is copying the required files onto a QDOS formatted disk, but
surely the Amiga's BIOS ROM will not recognize this disk and boot it without
first booting from an Amiga format disk?

Can anyone help?  I would like to see if I can get this working out of
curiosity before I return the machine to its owner.

One final thing:  The picture the Amiga displays on my portable TV is
extremely flickery, like a very low refresh rate (25Hz?) non-interlaced.

Ian Pine.

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