Ian L. Pine wrote:
> I have (on loan until its owner decides how best to dispose of it) an Amiga
> 1200.  There are no manuals and the only software a collection of disks -
> mostly games - plus a couple of disks which appear to contain a minimal
> X-Window style operating system which enables you to explore the files and
> folders on the disk (but precious little else).  There appears to be no
> built-in software in ROM other than a BIOS and boot loader because the
> system requires a boot disk to be inserted before anything will happen.

The Amiga has a bootloader in ROM (Kickstart) which is then used to load 
the actual operating system (AmigaDOS + Workbench). The "minimal 
X-Window style operating system" is just that. You will need this to be 
running before you can run any other programs, including the Amiga QL 

Mauny Amiga 1200s had an internal hard disk, yours doesn't seem to. Oh 
well, this means that you'll be swapping floppies a great deal and I'm 
not sure that QDOS4Amiga will actually fit on one and be usable.

By the way, you can do some things in Kickstart. When you switch the 
machine on or reset it with Ctrl-Amiga-Amiga hold down both mouse 
buttons. You will now be brought into a settings menu where you can find 
s small amount of info about the machine and change settings (for that 
boot only) for the processor cache, video chip mode (old mode, new mode) 
and video format (PAL or NTSC.. and as the clock is based upon the frame 
rate, the machine in NTSC mode will run 1/5th faster than in PAL mode).

Did you know... that most of AmigaDOS version 1 was written on Sinclair 
QLs using the Metacomco BCPL compiler by Metacomco. AmigaDOS is based 
upon Tripos, a little known operating system written in Cambridge.

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