Anyone here with expierience regarding UQLX?

Having pulled together a fairly decent PC running Ubuntu Linux (Which, 
by the way is a distribution I would thoroughly recommend to anyone 
interested in Linux - Was fun to install this, is also fun to work with) 
I was looking into trying out UQLX, the linux QDOS emulator. The newer 
compilers (gcc 4.x) didn't like the older sources, so I headed back to a 
3.x version that did the job.
UQLX is running fine on this box now, with one single, but serious 
exception: The Pointer interface does not work. As soon as I load 
ptr_gen + wman and move the mouse into the uqlx window, the load goes up 
to 100% and uqlx freezes.

Is there anyone here who has got around this?

Background is:  I goot a linux PDA here (Sharp Zaurus) that would make 
an ideal platform for uqlx - Like QDOS on batteries in your pocket - and 
wanted to try this out. It basically looks promising, but without PE 
support doesn't make much sense. Before I would start to dig into the 
sources I would like to know if anyone has done this already.

Thanks for your help
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