> Have you edited the ".uqlxrc" ( a dot, then uqlxrc ) to have the 
> path
> name for where uqlx can find a QXL.WIN file ?
> I have mine set to :
> DEVICE = DOS1,c:/uqlx/
> Which is not correct, at present, because I haven't got a QXL.WIN 
> file
> in there to look at.
> Hence the mountpoint error that I am getting.
It doesn't even get that far, although yes, I have edited it.

No Xwindows icon appears, it seems it's failing at that point not even 
getting as far as starting the emulator. So far, the only difference 
between my system and Peter's has been the amount of RAM (he has 1GB) 
and graphics card.

> My QXL.WIN files are located on other devices that are not working 
> on
> the PC at this time.
> So, I am looking at this information via Windows Safe Mode.  Until I 
> fix
> the hardware problem.
I've temporarily given up, although I'll try to bring the PC with me 
to the Quanta meeting in Birmingham next month to see if anyone can 
have a go there.
Dilwyn Jones

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