In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dilwyn Jones 

>> Have you edited the ".uqlxrc" ( a dot, then uqlxrc ) to have the
>> path
>> name for where uqlx can find a QXL.WIN file ?
>> I have mine set to :
>> DEVICE = DOS1,c:/uqlx/
>> Which is not correct, at present, because I haven't got a QXL.WIN
>> file
>> in there to look at.
>> Hence the mountpoint error that I am getting.

>It doesn't even get that far, although yes, I have edited it.
>No Xwindows icon appears, it seems it's failing at that point not even
>getting as far as starting the emulator. So far, the only difference
>between my system and Peter's has been the amount of RAM (he has 1GB)
>and graphics card.

OK ... you have edited the ".uqlxrc" file.

It seems as if you have something causing a problem with XWindows 
starting up.

I have 32MB on my WIN98 PC, so large amounts of RAM are not a necessity.

XWindows is efficient enough to run on small systems as a portable 
Window system.

>> My QXL.WIN files are located on other devices that are not working
>> on
>> the PC at this time.
>> So, I am looking at this information via Windows Safe Mode.  Until I
>> fix
>> the hardware problem.

>I've temporarily given up, although I'll try to bring the PC with me
>to the Quanta meeting in Birmingham next month to see if anyone can
>have a go there.

Good idea to take it to along the Workshop ... one the reasons for 
holding one ... :-)

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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